Top 10 signs you are an official Hockey Parent!
New baby's first word is Zamboni.
9. When asked, how old are your children? you respond "I have a 93 and a 95”.
8. You Receive a letter from AAA Auto Club and called for more info about tryouts.
7. Hates sending Christmas cards,
because the stats only show half season results!
6. You chuckle when a co-worker says his kids play soccer.
5. Name your kids, Gordy, Wayne & Mario.
4. Purchase a new $159.00 stick, because old stick “didn't have any goals
left in it”.
3. Knows every single kid on every single team your child has ever played on, but doesn't have a clue
as to who his school mates are.
2. Has had to use grandparents to take kid #1 to a tournament because Dad was in a
different state with kid #2 at a tournament and Mom had kid #3 two states away in a 3rd tournament all in one weekend.
Can rationalize spending $300 on an O-stick for a 9 year old, but won't spend $5 on a Birthday Card for his wife.